Cascade Terraces is a subdivision that challenges the notion of how we design comfort and quality into high density cost effective developments.
The site is a jagged 650m2 section sitting at the corner of the Cascades and Pakuranga Road intersection. Despite the limitation, it manages to fit six 2.5 bedroom 80m2 terraces on the section each with their own individual carpark located at the end of a shared access lot. Our design team worked closely with our planning consultants to devise a subdivision development that not only fitted schematically (making efficient use of the little section size offered), but worked architecturally with articulated roof forms, screened privacy from the road and outdoor living decks with north facing sun.
General compliance under the unitary plan for such a high density development with many demands is almost impossible, however by utilizing alternative height to boundary, a neighboring Right of Way, a bespoke vehicle maneuvering design, and a direct rear access to the park, our team was able to successfully convince council and obtain consent approval.
The floor plans although small, make great use out of every nook and cranny to design a space that is not only comfortable, but more importantly is able to continuously service and evolve to fit the growing occupancy of a small family. An open plan kitchen dining living seemingly stretches the lower floor plan spatially wider than the actual built dimension itself. The furniture has full freedom in the way future owners want to position them around the space. Storage is conveniently and efficiently tucked away and accessed under the stairs to save on space. Skylights introduce a beautiful play of light in areas such as hallways where its hard to fit standard windows in terraced arrangements. A smaller study evolves with the family, functioning as either a home office, reading room or small bedroom more than capable of fitting a double bed.
Despite James Hardie Stria and Brick being commonly recognized as cost effective materials, the architecture relies heavily on proportion, glazing and careful articulation of these materials combinations to achieve a modest level of sophistication in its exterior form.